Rationale For Teaching And Studying Elective Biology
The survival of humans and the development of nations would ever depend more and more on science and technology. Biology however is a branch of natural science which is devoted to the study of life and the activities of all living things from bacteria to high plants and animals. The survival of humans nevertheless depends greatly on the knowledge and understanding of the structure and functions of organisms and how they interact with one another and the environment.
This invariably leads to the necessity of conservation of living things and other natural resources. The need to teach Biology ultimately must be to explain the living world in terms of scientific principles although appreciating that, organisms behave in ways which often seem beyond the capabilities of their component parts. It is also to guide and inculcate in the learner skills in observing and measuring, formulating hypothesis, predicating and designing, investigating, recording data and interpreting results, drawing conclusions and communicating them.
The knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired
through the study of Biology is to provide the learner with the necessary basic
tools for employment in laboratory, industry, agriculture, horticulture,
forestry, health care, work with animals, marine and fresh water biology,
information science, administration, finance, management and teaching.
It further equips the learner for further studies
and research in pure and applied science and technology that are vital areas
for the advancement of society. Teaching elective biology in totality guides
the learner and makes him/her capable of critical thinking, making meaningful
decisions and solving problems.
General Aims
This content is designed to
help reader to:
1. appreciate the diversity
of living things.
2. understand the structure
and functions of living things.
3. develop scientific
approach to solving personal and societal (environmental, economic and health)
4. develop practical skills
required to work with scientific equipment, biological materials and living
5. collect, analyze and
interpret biological data; and also present data graphically.
6. be aware of the
existence of interrelationships between biology and other scientific
7. sustain their interest
in studying biology
8. appreciate and understand the interrelationships between organisms and themselves and with the environment.
9. recognize the value of
biology to society and use it responsibly.
10. develop a sense of
curiosity, creativity and critical mind.
11. provide a foundation
for those who will develop a career in biological sciences.
The content of the blogpost has been designed in such a way as to provide readers with basic knowledge in biology for them to understand themselves and other organisms, which enable them make very informed choices as they interact with nature. The scope of the content of this blog also enables the learner pursue specialized careers relating to biology and fully prepares the students who wish to continue the study of biology at the tertiary level.
SHS 1: Biology Topics
Introduction to Biology
Biology is the study of the structure and function of living creatures, as well as how they interact with one another and with their surroundings.
It has a fixed slipper-shaped and is about 0.24mm in length.
Spirogyra is a green free floating filamentous alga.
Rhizopus is eukaryotic, multinucleated and non-photosynthetic organism. The body is made of fine thread-like structures called hyphae (singular: hypha).
The body is covered by dry, horny, overlapping scales.
SHS 2: Biology Topics
Soil is mixture of organic and inorganic materials, which forms an ecosystem of living organisms and provides minerals for plant growth.
Skeleton is the
hard parts of an animal that forms the framework for the body. Mammalian skeleton is composed of three types of organs; bones,
cartilages and ligaments, tightly joined together.
Excretion is the removal of the metabolic wastes from the body of an organism. Wastes that are removed include carbon dioxide, water, salt, urea and uric acid.
The circulatory system consists of two main divisions;
Cardiovascular System consists of the heart and the blood vessels which pump and carry blood respectively. Lymphatic System Consists of the lymphatic vessels and lymphoid tissues within the spleen thymus, tonsils and lymph nodes.
Nutrition is the process by which organisms make or obtain food and utilizing it for growth maintenance. There are two types of nutrition. These are heterotrophic and autotrophic (holophytic) nutrition.
SHS 3: Biology Topics
Food preservation usually involves preventing the growth of bacteria or other micro-organisms, as well as retarding the oxidation of fats that cause rancidity.
Natural resource refers to all the natural things on the earth. It includes everything, that is naturally available and that is not man-made.
This is referring to the differences in characteristics among individuals of the same species. This is due to inherited genes from parents or acquired through the environment.
Genetics is the study and understanding of the phenomena of heredity and variation. It is a branch of biology concerned with the structure, transmission and expression of hereditary information.